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Dear Needville High School students and community members,

Needville High School has had an excellent reputation for many years in academics and extra-curricular activities alike.  We are all very fortunate to have inherited that reputation, but along with that comes high expectations and responsibility.  With the tremendous support of our community and the backing of the district and the school board, we welcome that responsibility.

Our mission statement at Needville High School is:

                Needville High School will strive to have 100% of our students graduate and to provide them opportunities for growth and development.

This is what is expected of our campus faculty and staff each and every year. This is what the community, the school district and the school board have charged us with accomplishing.

Our vision state at Needville High School is:

                Needville High School:  Empowering EVERY student to become a positive, well-rounded, and productive member of society.

The staff at N.H.S. came up with this vision that exceeds our mission – it reaches beyond just graduating and coursework.  We truly want our students to develop into productive members of our community and that requires more than just receiving credits and passing the STAAR tests.  We will work hard to give students opportunities to find the things that are good at, that they like and want to do, and will benefit them and our community in the future.

As I stated, Needville High School has a great reputation and strong tradition of excellence.  Our campus has very definitive core values whether stated or not.  We have surveyed our staff, students, and parents to find out what those core values are.  The consensus among those groups were that our core values are:

Our motto this year is:

                NHS 2023-24:  Blue Jays to the Core!

This motto was selected in order to emphasize our core values.

We are so excited about all the wonderful things our students will accomplish in the classrooms and beyond this school year!


Steve Adamson, Principal

Needville High School